Freitag, 30. Dezember 2011

So great ;)

Today at the Kornock (Turracher Höhe)
Great day...
I could snowboard the whole day,...

Greetings from the mountais ;)

Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011


The Secret Circle:
During the halloween party, suddenly there come a few uninvited guests. They try to get friends at the party, but it goes wrong. After the  party Faye and Cassie meets the uninvited guests and asks them waht they want at the party. The guests become angry and injured Cassie. Faye calls the ambulance and then Faye and Cassie drive to the hospital....

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

Animal farm

When I first strated looking at the cover of this book I thought that it is a book for children, because it look's very funny. I saw a pig, wich is looking very angry and evil. But then I recognised taht it is an very interresting book about communism. I hope this book will corresponds my expectations.

Dienstag, 27. September 2011

Danke ;)

Ich wollt nur mal danke sagen für alle die meinen Blog angeklickt haben.
insgesamt waren es 60!!!!!! Thank you all guys


My favourite music.

I don't have a favourite music direction but I like to listen to house music. Some people like to confuse house music and techno music but there is a big difference. For example David Guetta is an house Dj and Scooter is a thechno band. I also like to listen to Dubstep, Pitbull, LMFAO and Tim Bendzko.
Another good band is The Red Hot Chili Peppers. They also make a good music.

I listen music when I go to bed or if I'm playing the computer. Also when I have to drive for a long time in the car or in the plane etc.My favourite song of David Guetta is Where them Girls at.
My dad prefers to hear classical music and my mum likes listen to pop. My sister likes punk rock.

I got my first CD when I was 5 years old and the interpret was Rocco Granata xD, and my second CD was from Robbie Williams.

Now you can watch some videos: 

Anoter good video: