Donnerstag, 23. August 2012


Two days ago I came back from my New York trip. It was the best trip in my whole life,... One month in NY sounds very long, but belive me, it isn't!!
The time passed by so fu**ing quickly....
But now I'm back in Austria and my normal life can start...."slowly"!!! :D

 I had a great time!!
I'll never forget you, New York... ;)

Montag, 12. März 2012

Slumdog Millionaire

The success started in 2008, when film was first shown. Only one year after the start, the film was nominated for 10 Oscars, and it won 8 of them. The director was Danny Boyle.
The film is about Jamal and his friends and is a very tragic, gripping lovestory.

The film is about Jamal Malik, who lost his mother very early in the film. The whole film is starring Jamal at "Who wants to be a Millionaire". There are about 12 questions, and he is able to answer all questions with the help of his former life flashbacks accept the 12 one. After he gets all the answers right, the showmaster makes a break and on the next day the show will go on, the master calls the police, because he thought he is cheating. During the film he meets a girl called Latika. He falls in love with her. After several electro-shocks and punches he gets back to the studio.
Whole India is watching, how Jamal tries to answer the last question. He hopes, that Latika is watching him too. Now the last question is on the screen, but he couldn't answer it. He only has one joker left and it is the phone joker. So he wants to phone Latika. Could Latika help him to answer the question?...

The film has a very gripping story. The characters a also very authentic and well played. The only negative point is the beginning, first it is very hard to understand but in the end everything is clear.