Samstag, 26. April 2014

1.       Stars and the universe reoccur in the book. Where?
2.       In the book all sort of things are seen as side effects of cancer/dying. Name them.
3.       What functions does the Support Group have?
4.       What do we learn about Patrick?
5.       In the Support Group there is a "list of the dead". What's Hazel's attitude towards this list?
6.       "Friends just didn't get it." and "My parents were my best friends." What do these two sentences tell us about a life with cancer?
7.       What does the cigarette in Augustus's mouth symbolise?
8.       What is "Cancer Perk"? Give examples.
9.       Hazel and Augustus live in uncertainty. How do they cope with it?
10.   What does the house of the Waters look like?
11.   What are obstacles in Hazel's life?
12.   What are obstacles in Augustus's life?
13.   What is/are Hazel's biggest fear(s)? What does she do against it (them)?
14.   What is/are Augustus's biggest fear(s)? What does he do against it (them)?
15.   What is Augustus's "mission" in life?
16.   What does August mean when he asks Hazel if she is one of those people who becomes their disease.
17.   In the book there are some references to "killing". Which?
18.   Report on the incident when Hazel meets a little child in the mall.
19.   Cancer books suck. Why? (And do you agree?)
20.   Why did Isaac become so furious and how did he get rid of his anger?
21.   How does cancer change their parents' lives?
22.   What is a third space and why is it important?
23.   You want to sell a toy of your childhood. Write an advertisement of about 70 words.
24.    What does "Okay." mean for Augustus and Hazel?
25.   Why is the end of "An Imperial Affliction" so important for Hazel?
26.   Although Van Houten does not give away the end of the story, the trip is not a complete disaster. Why not?
27.   What did Hazel wish for when she was given the chance?
28.   Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. Give an example. How does this statement apply to Hazel's an Augustus's lives?
29.   Why does Augustus go the Gas Station?
30.   There's a prefuneral. Describe it.
31.   Funerals are for the living. Do you agree? Comment on it.
32.   In the book Hazel learns to see the world from her parents' perspective when Augustus gets ill. Does this change her attitude towards her parents?
33.   In which ways are the lives of August and Hazel similar/different?
34.   In which ways are the lives of the children's parents similar/different to that of Van Houten?
35.   Would you recommend the book? Write a review of about 200 words.


Donnerstag, 23. August 2012


Two days ago I came back from my New York trip. It was the best trip in my whole life,... One month in NY sounds very long, but belive me, it isn't!!
The time passed by so fu**ing quickly....
But now I'm back in Austria and my normal life can start...."slowly"!!! :D

 I had a great time!!
I'll never forget you, New York... ;)

Montag, 12. März 2012

Slumdog Millionaire

The success started in 2008, when film was first shown. Only one year after the start, the film was nominated for 10 Oscars, and it won 8 of them. The director was Danny Boyle.
The film is about Jamal and his friends and is a very tragic, gripping lovestory.

The film is about Jamal Malik, who lost his mother very early in the film. The whole film is starring Jamal at "Who wants to be a Millionaire". There are about 12 questions, and he is able to answer all questions with the help of his former life flashbacks accept the 12 one. After he gets all the answers right, the showmaster makes a break and on the next day the show will go on, the master calls the police, because he thought he is cheating. During the film he meets a girl called Latika. He falls in love with her. After several electro-shocks and punches he gets back to the studio.
Whole India is watching, how Jamal tries to answer the last question. He hopes, that Latika is watching him too. Now the last question is on the screen, but he couldn't answer it. He only has one joker left and it is the phone joker. So he wants to phone Latika. Could Latika help him to answer the question?...

The film has a very gripping story. The characters a also very authentic and well played. The only negative point is the beginning, first it is very hard to understand but in the end everything is clear.

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2011

So great ;)

Today at the Kornock (Turracher Höhe)
Great day...
I could snowboard the whole day,...

Greetings from the mountais ;)

Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011


The Secret Circle:
During the halloween party, suddenly there come a few uninvited guests. They try to get friends at the party, but it goes wrong. After the  party Faye and Cassie meets the uninvited guests and asks them waht they want at the party. The guests become angry and injured Cassie. Faye calls the ambulance and then Faye and Cassie drive to the hospital....

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

Animal farm

When I first strated looking at the cover of this book I thought that it is a book for children, because it look's very funny. I saw a pig, wich is looking very angry and evil. But then I recognised taht it is an very interresting book about communism. I hope this book will corresponds my expectations.